Thursday, November 29, 2012

Getting my Act 235 Lethal Weapons Card What a Joke

At left is my certificate I earned to be able to apply for my act 235 Lethal Weapons card so I could work armed . Armed Guards made more money so it just made sense .
Never did I realize till years later the total joke this training and program is and how very lacking it is in training and knowledge a guard needs.
The whole thing of guards carrying guns in the first place is controversial in our state but prior to this there where not even these minimal standards and in some states there still is no training requirements to be an armed guard.

The public in general is at danger do to lack of guards understanding they have no arrest powers in PA. there are in now way Peace officers in any manner  etc etc. and bad things happen all the time in this state because guards go beyond what they are permitted to do which is basically nothing than be eyes and ears  and report incidents to law enforcement.
 the total training to get Act 235 when I went was 35 hours of training .
Compared to hundreds of hours of training needed to get Act 120 Municipal police Officers certification

When I turned 18 and  able to take the course but not own a fire arm but could carry a company owned weapon you had to be 21 in pa to own a hand gun  I went to the International Academy of Law Enforcement  in  an old building  rounded corner office building  on S.Highland Ave.which once had a grocery store over in E. Liberty .
IAL was on the 2nd floor thats where I meet a character named Major Siegle  a retired US Army Major of military Police .

The school closed couple years after I attended and major retired to Florida 

To be continued.

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