Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Off Duty officers as security guards in PA. there have been some problems.

In Pennsylvania there has always been controversy where it comes to law and police officers working off duty as security guards for business.  By law they are suppose to be act 235 certified in addition to Act 120 they must have to be certified as a municipal police officer.
which requires filing a wavier which some have and some have not .

However I see a massive review of all this and new legislation coming about after City of Pittsburgh  Police Chief  Nate Harper was indicted and expected to plead guilty  to funneling funds meant to go to the city coffers  for off duty officers assignments to a slush fund accounts set up in the local FOP  ( Fraternal order of Police) credit union .

A Sheriff over in Beaver County George David   is in trouble as well for providing sheriffs for football games when the county's charter specifically forbids it.

 All in all this could all end up badly for officers state wide once the courts get involved.
 especially in light of several incidents in the past month where off duty Pittsburgh officers are being accused of abuse. 

and Chief Harper is still being looked at over dealings of favoring contracts to the owner of a private security guard outfit which also has a division which provided  police car equipment installations etc.

Looks like time will tell as the security game keeps going on in Pennsylvania

There is even a problem going on in the gas fields with a unliscensed company using guards with louisiana sheriff badges

In the city a strip club formerly known as the Edison hotel now  called Blush is suing the city after it has refused to provide officers off duty

 What a mess but this is politics as usual in Pa. yes its going to be an interesting summer once more as they play the security game here in pa. 


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